Día Mundial del Kurash
6 septiembre – 6th September
Celebrando los 22 años de la fundación de la International Kurash Association (IKA) se realizaron dos (2) conferencias con la participación del presidente de la IKA el ciudadano Kuwait Haider Farman, vicepresidentes, presidentes de Federaciones Nacionales, etc.
La segunda conferencia a cargo de Ray Nassiri, iraní, quien es Director Técnico de la IKA y en la que dijeron presente los funcionarios técnicos a nivel mundial de la IKA.Por America estuvieron presentes las Federaciones Nacionales de Chile, Uruguay, República Dominicana y Haití, a saber.
Importantes temas fueron presentados por el Presidente Farman y el director técnico Ray Nassiri.
El tema del Covid – 19 fue tratado por los vicepresidentes de Africa el señor Thomas Dunker, Jaime Casanova por America, Jagdish Tyler (India) y Merabis Iliadis de Europa.
Santo Domingo.
República Dominicana.
World kurash day
September 6 – 6th September
Celebrating the 22 years since the founding of the International Kurash Association (IKA), two (2) conferences were held with the participation of the IKA president, Kuwait citizen Haider Farman, vice presidents, presidents of National Federations, etc.
The second lecture by Ray Nassiri, Iranian, who is IKA Technical Director and in which IKA technical officials from around the world were present.
For America, the National Federations of Chile, Uruguay, the Dominican Republic and Haiti were present, viz.
Important topics were presented by President Farman and Technical Director Ray Nassiri.
The issue of Covid – 19 was addressed by the vice presidents of Africa Mr. Thomas Dunker, Jaime Casanova for America, Jagdish Tyler (India) and Merabis Iliadis from Europe.
Santo Domingo.
Dominican Republic