Secretario General de la Unión Panamericana de Kurash de visita en República Dominicana.

Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.- El profesor Julian Abreu Jimenez, Estados Unidos, se encuentra de visita en este país en diligencias personales oportunidad que aprovecho para tener una sesión de trabajo con el señor Jaime Casanova Martinez, presidente de la entidad continental.
En la referida reunión pasaron revista a las actividades ya realizadas en 2023 bajo la sombrilla de la entidad continental y de igual manera a las previstas del 5 al 15 de junio con cursos, seminarios, Campeonatos Panamericanos sobre tapiz y de playa, entre otras.
Relevancia significativa los eventos World Series Pro (WSP) al ser una actividad continental y mundial a implementar durante el presente año como una innovación en el ámbito internacional del kurash con importantes premios en metálico para los ganadores de medallas.
Ademas, Abreu Jimenez informo de importantes contactos para la implementacion de la practica del kurash en diferentes puntos del Distrito Nacional y la Provincia Santo Domingo lo que sera anunciado en los próximos días.
Ademas, Abreu Jimenez informo de importantes contactos para la implementacion de la practica del kurash en diferentes puntos del Distrito Nacional y la Provincia Santo Domingo lo que sera anunciado en los próximos días.
«Satisfecho de estar en esta reunión y verificar el Programa de Actividades de la Unión Panamericana de Kurash que va a ser implementado con los diferentes países afiliados en el transcurso del presente año», indico el profesor Julian Abreu Jimenez, secretario general de la Unión Panamericana de Kurash.
31 de marzo 2023.
Secretary General of the Panamerican Kurash Union visiting the Dominican Republic.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- Professor Julian Abreu Jimenez, United States, is visiting this country on personal errands, an opportunity that he took advantage of to have a work session with Mr. Jaime Casanova Martinez, president of the continental entity.
In the aforementioned meeting they reviewed the activities already carried out in 2023 under the umbrella of the continental entity and in the same way those planned from June 5 to 15 with courses, seminars, Panamerican Championships on tapestry and beach, among others.
Significant relevance of the World Series Pro (WSP) events as it is a continental and global activity to be implemented this year as an innovation in the international field of kurash with significant cash prizes for medal winners.
In addition, Abreu Jimenez reported important contacts for the implementation of the kurash practice in different parts of the National District and the Santo Domingo Province, which will be announced in the coming days.
«Satisfied to be at this meeting and verify the Program of Activities of the Panamerican Kurash Union that will be implemented with the different affiliated countries during this year,» said Professor Julian Abreu Jimenez, general secretary of the Panamerican Kurash Union.
March 31, 2023.
In the aforementioned meeting they reviewed the activities already carried out in 2023 under the umbrella of the continental entity and in the same way those planned from June 5 to 15 with courses, seminars, Panamerican Championships on tapestry and beach, among others.
Significant relevance of the World Series Pro (WSP) events as it is a continental and global activity to be implemented this year as an innovation in the international field of kurash with significant cash prizes for medal winners.
In addition, Abreu Jimenez reported important contacts for the implementation of the kurash practice in different parts of the National District and the Santo Domingo Province, which will be announced in the coming days.
«Satisfied to be at this meeting and verify the Program of Activities of the Panamerican Kurash Union that will be implemented with the different affiliated countries during this year,» said Professor Julian Abreu Jimenez, general secretary of the Panamerican Kurash Union.
March 31, 2023.