International Kurash Association Certifica Diferentes Federaciones Nacionales Panamericanas
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.- La International Kurash Association (IKA) certifico a varias Federaciones Nacionales panamericanas según documento firmado por su presidente el señor Haider Farman.
Los países que recibieron el correspondiente diploma que los certifica como miembros de la IKA son las Federaciones Nacionales de Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Haití, República Dominicana, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Estados Unidos, entre otros, y cuyas presidencias corresponden a Elizabeth Thompson, José Soca Montero, Cesar Naranjo, Carlos Lopez, Jesse Diaz, Michael Vauguens, Israel Caraballo, Luis Bogantes y Julian Abreu
Jimenez, respectiva y sucesivamente.
«Es un importante paso estas certificaciones que afianzan la practica del kurash en panamerica y que ademas esos países entran plenamente en el esquema mundial de cursos, seminarios, competiciones donde atletas y técnicos de nuestro continente tienen habilitada su participación», dijo el presidente de la Unión Panamericana de Kurash, Jaime Casanova, al referirse a la documentación recibida.
International Kurash Association Certifies Different Pan American National Federations
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- The International Kurash Association (IKA) certified several Pan American National Federations according to a document signed by its president, Mr. Haider Farman.
The documentation was sent by way of the General Secretary of the IKA whose incumbent is Professor Reza Nassiri who is also the Technical Director of the entity that governs the Kurash worldwide.
In this way, the IKA complies with the recent request of the Pan-American Kurash Union (UPK), which as an organization is chaired by the Dominican Jaime Casanova Martinez.
The countries that received the corresponding diploma that certifies them as members of the IKA are the National Federations of Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, United States, among others, and whose presidencies correspond to Elizabeth Thompson, José Soca Montero, Cesar Naranjo, Carlos Lopez, Jesse Diaz, Michael Vauguens, Israel Caraballo, Luis Bogantes, Frank Silva and Julian Abreu Jimenez, respectively and successively.
Previously, the Bolivian Kurash Federation, chaired by engineer Edgar Claure, had already received IKA certification.
«These certifications that strengthen the practice of kurash in Pan America are an important step and that these countries also fully enter the world scheme of courses, seminars, competitions where athletes and technicians from our continent have their participation enabled,» said the president of the Kurash Pan-American Union, Jaime Casanova, referring to the documentation received.
February 19, 2022.